
Constructions (performance)

Black radio (global)

Kaga-Tobi 2.0 (workshop)

In Between (movie)

Contact 02 (performance)

Contact 01 (performance)

Quadriptyque (installation)

R:255 G:255 B:255 (installation)

Hanami exchange (battle)

Tenues 01 (fashion)

Collages 03 (performance)

Collages 02 (performance)

Collages 01 (performance)

Cercles 03 (battle)

Undomestic (exhibition)

Envahisseurs (movie) 

Cercles 01 (battle)




©2025. Envahisseurs.

Black Radio, 2024, Bozar museum, Bruxelles

We’ve been invited by the Bozar museum’s curatorial team who give us a carte blanche for their Nocturne, which takes place every last Thursday of the month, and for the opening of their Afropolitan festival.

Re-questioning this museum, heir to a colonial past, we invaded it with a talk, performances, films and DJ sets.

Choreographer : Deicy Sanches
Assistant choreographer : Teddy Sanches
Dancers : Aubrey Batchily, Deicy Sanches, Joseph Garbar, Kassy Bondoko, Lory Laurac, Mayvis William, Rachad Zangaba, Teddy Sanches
Clothes : Anta Thiam, Wilfried Eliazord, Mayvis William (Ugly State) & Envahisseurs
Music (mix) : Deicy Sanches
Mixing : Wattfutchureez
Dj : Olukemi « Kem Kem » Lijadu, Kassy Bondoko & Rachad Zangaba
Talk speakers : Alesandra Seutin, Olivier Marboeuf
Moderator : Dulia Lengema
Curator : Paul Briottet
Project coordinator : Elena Ndidi Akilo
Producer officer : Olga Briard
Photographer : Marin Driguez

©2024. Marin Driguez.

©2024. Envahisseurs.


Constructions (performance)

Black radio (global)

Kaga-Tobi 2.0 (workshop)

In Between (movie)

Contact 02 (performance)

Contact 01 (performance)

Quadriptyque (installation)

R:255 G:255 B:255 (installation)

Hanami exchange (battle)

Tenues 01 (fashion)

Collages 03 (performance)

Collages 02 (performance)

Collages 01 (performance)

Cercles 03 (battle)

Undomestic (exhibition)

Envahisseurs (movie)

Cercles 01 (battle)




©2025. Envahisseurs.