
Constructions (performance)

Black radio (global)

Kaga-Tobi 2.0 (workshop)

In Between (movie)

Contact 02 (performance)

Contact 01 (performance)

Quadriptyque (installation)

R:255 G:255 B:255 (installation)

Hanami exchange (battle)

Tenues 01 (fashion)

Collages 03 (performance)

Collages 02 (performance)

Collages 01 (performance)

Cercles 03 (battle)

Undomestic (exhibition)

Envahisseurs (movie) 

Cercles 01 (battle)




©2025. Envahisseurs.

Envahisseurs (Collages 01), 15 min , 2022, Kyoto Station Eki mae
for the opening of Nuit Blanche Kyoto art festival

The Japanese street is inhabited by these bricklayers wearing pastel outfits with special cuts and materials that they carefully choose in the various dedicated shops.  Invisible to the Japanese, glittering to Teddy Sanches, he sees in them a link with the hip-hop culture that has always reappropriated workwear. These workers inspired him to create a new archetype of hip-hop dancewear. For the Nuit Blanche festival in Kyoto, he proposes, with Deicy Sanches, a performance that embodies this reflection and questions the relationship to clothing, to what it initially communicates and to what it becomes if it is diverted from its initial function. The boundaries are redistributed between pomp and ceremony and bodies endowed with a spiritual connection through movement. This piece invites the spectator to look at these bodies which on the surface are only passing through.

Direction : Teddy Sanches & Deicy Sanches
Music : Kristian Amou
Dancers : Peri, nouseskou, Emi Ogura, Mizuka Johnson, SHUTO, Deicy Sanches & Teddy Sanches
Clothes : Teddy Sanches during his Villa Kujoyama residency
Shoes : Radical PR & Asics

©2022. Nana Kakuta.


Constructions (performance)

Black radio (global)

Kaga-Tobi 2.0 (workshop)

In Between (movie)

Contact 02 (performance)

Contact 01 (performance)

Quadriptyque (installation)

R:255 G:255 B:255 (installation)

Hanami exchange (battle)

Tenues 01 (fashion)

Collages 03 (performance)

Collages 02 (performance)

Collages 01 (performance)

Cercles 03 (battle)

Undomestic (exhibition)

Envahisseurs (movie)

Cercles 01 (battle)




©2025. Envahisseurs.